Know the cause and treatment of different diseases, tissue trace elements, minerals, heavy metal imbalances and toxicities with quick painless Oligoscan.
No injection
Accurate results
As fast as 15 seconds
Precise and fast detection of tissue trace elements, minerals and heavy metals imbalances and toxicities. This test is a revolutionary technique to check the mineral status of your patients in real time. OligoScan is the most innovative testing methodology with the fastest turn around of results available anywhere in the world. The technology is an invaluable screening tool for actual tissue levels of minerals as opposed to other testing which is only indicative of what is being pulled out of that particular vector.
Do you experience the following?
Hair Fall and Brittle Nails
Dull Skin
The negative impact of heavy metals on the human and animal organism is demonstrated by numerous studies published by research institutes, WHO, FAO and other organizations.
The elimination of these toxic metals out of the human body by appropriate chelating agents becomes a major challenge for health.
Furthermore, scientific studies alert us on another plan. They point out the dramatic depletion of nutrients in food, accompanied with an increase of food additives which cause various problems in the body. Eating a well balanced diet and individualized supplementation will correct the nutritional deficiency and normalize all the body functioning of a person and help them to stay healthy.
Screening of physiological imbalances helps better health control and trace minerals overall well being.