My name is Sonali Dilip, I’m from India.From then until now, I have lost around 10 to 11 kilos of weight. It was very difficult for me because as an Indian I was in the habit of eating all yummy-yummy things, but Dr. Inas provided me Indian diet tips.When I started with diet initially I was very in a depression mood but Dr. Inas help me to come out of that and then it was never I feel like that I was doing a diet. And along with just a simple exercise of walking and a diet tips which was a balance food, it not only help me to reduce my weight but she help me to overcome all my deficiencies. At present everything is okay, it’s not only here but I did my check-ups in India. I did the full-body check-ups and everything was 100% normal. No deficiency, no weakness…Nothing. And I am more active and energetic.Today, I’m able to ware each and every type of dresses just because of her. Dr. Inas help me to increase my confidence. I am very happy today because she presented me this award because I lose 10 kilos.